CFC 2025 Programming Cycle – The Phoenix
Welcome to the CFC 2025 Programming Cycle – The Phoenix – We chose the Phoenix as the great representation for this cycle as it is associated with renewal and regeneration and we want to start the New Year with a New You! Rising from the ashes of its previous life, the Phoenix is a symbol of hope, of life and of better things to come, born from the knowledge and experience of difficult times and challenging circumstances.
This cycle will focus on preparing you for the CrossFit Open and for a solid foundation for the rest of the year. Here is a blog post from our 2024 Open. Time to rise up the challenge and get ready for the CrossFit Open!
Here’s what we are going to focus on:
Thruster – We see these a lot in the Open and we want to be ready to handle both the volume and weight with this combined front squat and pressing movement. The key with the thruster is not to forget to actually thrust and use the hips to drive the bar up. Get ready to use our recently completed Front squat cycle to help you build capacity (e.g. how many thrusters can you do at a light/moderate weight) and also build strength with this movement.
Pull-ups – Our Pull-up cycle continues to be a hit! We know that folks struggle with getting their 1st pull-up and struggle with stringing them together. We will work to help everyone! This year we decided to move it to our first cycle to pair it up with the Thruster and prepare for their appearance in the Open. Thrusters and Pull-ups…hmm..😀😀😀
Power Clean – We love lifting weight from the ground and the power clean is a great example of functional fitness. We want to get back to basics with technique on the power clean. We will improve technique with a focus on building up to Heavy (but technically sound) 1 Rep Max.
Bike Erg – It’s time to build some aerobic capacity during these cold winter months. Let’s get those quads working and burning. It could be worse….it could be Echo Bike 😀😀
The goals for this cycle are below:
- Max Rep Thruster – Much like our combine test for the bench press, we will focus on seeing how many reps you can perform at a given weight. We will also use some of the cycle to build both stamina and strength.
- Pull-ups – Gymnastics is a key part of our fitness. The Pull-up eludes many of us, so let’s attack this weakness! Already have pull-ups – Let’s see how many you can do!
- Power Clean – The Power Clean is a very important Olympic lift. In our case, let’s think about this movement as doing a SQUAT Clean but catching it above parallel vs. doing a muscle clean and just barely “dipping”. Technique matters here, watch the video here to learn more about the power clean. We will focus this cycle on technique with an emphasis on proper hip extension to drive more power. Want to learn more about why we do Olympic Lifts in CrossFit – Check out our post here.
Keep an eye out for 2 of our benchmark workouts this cycle along with some previous open workouts to get us ready to crush the open! Need to learn more about these CrossFit Coordinate benchmarks…click here!
If you have read this far, you get a special treat…In order to celebrate our Phoenix Rising from the Ashes Cycle, we are launching a new T-Shirt! Coming Soon for Pre-Order.

Let’s rise up from the ashes of 2024 and make crush 2025 💪!