What the @$@#! does that mean?
CrossFit Classes are fun, but they take a bit of getting used to! Anything that helps you achieve your health and fitness goals will require some change 😀. To help you better understand CrossFit we have a great blog post here. In addition to your coach in class, we can help you understand some of terms you may see in class! Check out some common CrossFit acronyms below
- AMRAP: As Many Rounds (or Reps) as Possible
- EMOM: Every Minute on the Minute
- HRPU – Hand Release Push-up
- HSPU: Hand Stand Push-Up
- KBS – Kettlebell Swing
- Metcon – Metabolic Conditioning – This is a workout designed to get the heart rate up.
- OHS – Overhead Squat
- RFT – Rounds for Time
- SDHP: Sumo Deadlift High Pull
- TTB: Toes to Bar
- WOD: Workout of the Day
Other helpful things to remember.
- The “Girls”: A series of benchmark workouts created by CrossFit that are universally known among the CrossFit community. You’ll know when you are doing a “Girl” workout 😀😀.
- The “Heroes”: A Hero workout is a tribute workout in honor of a fallen CrossFitter (either Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine, Firefighter, Police officer) that died in the line of duty. They are tough and among the most difficult of WOD’s.
- Tabata Interval: A workout of 8 intervals alternating 20 seconds of max rep work with 10 seconds of rest. Total is 4 minutes per exercise.
- Our Coaching Team is here to help you! Ask them in class or text us, we want to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.
Let us know if there are any common CrossFit acronyms that you think we should add!