CFC 2024 Programming Cycle – The Gorilla
Welcome to CFC 2024 Programming Cycle – The Gorilla – During our last cycle, we had an awesome time challenging ourselves with the Overhead Squat, Squat Clean, and Strict Press and survived a tough benchmarks (Diana and Nancy)! We also wanted our members to focus on improving their double under skills with our Running/Double Under cycle. It’s not too late to keep practicing them! Now it’s time to start a new cycle and continue building on our previous cycle the “Elephant” (click here to read about that cycle).
Why name this cycle after the Gorilla? Well, Gorilla’s are known for their strength, they say they have the strength of 6 people! For this cycle we will be moving some heavy weight, but just enough for a single person 😀. We are continuing with our squat, press, and pull movements but building on our last cycle. We are moving from the difficult and lighter Overhead squat to the heavier Back squat, from the less technical strict press to the more technical push jerk and split jerk, and from the complex squat clean to the much simpler and heavier Deadlift. We like to mix it up, but always build upon our previous cycles! Let’s build some raw strength!
We are making some changes with this cycle – We are going to focus on three movements during this cycle vs. our typical four movements. This will give our weekly programming more variance so we can constantly experiment and allow us to revisit different lifts.
To help with these movements, check out the videos below. The Fundamentals are important. Remember we need to do the common, uncommonly well!
The goals for this cycle are below:
- 3 Rep Max Back Squat – The goal is not to test out our max 1 rep here. The 3 Rep Max is designed to challenge you with a more moderate weight that you can move well. We did some heavy back squats earlier this year (before the open) so you should have some history. If you don’t that’s OK, we can help!
- 5 Rep Max Deadlift – Back to the basics with the Deadlift! Maintaining your lumbar curve will be important as those reps will start to get heavy!
- Push / Split Jerk – Look for some fun pressing complexes to challenge you! Our target here will be a 1 Rep Max.
Our Benchmark workouts for this cycle will be a couple of pretty tough couplets : “Grettel” (Clean and Jerks and Burpees) and “5RM Deadlift”. Need to learn more about these CrossFit Coordinate benchmarks? Click here.
Let’s beat this heat and get into the fall with strength!